About Journal:
SciFed Journal of Applied Microbiology is an international online, peer –reviewed, multidisciplinary open access journal which strives to publish original and genuine manuscripts about advanced research related to various aspects of microbial diversity and systematic of prokaryotes. Applied Microbiology Journal describes including topics also Medical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology Microbial Biotechnology, Food Microbiology, Agricultural Microbiology Veterinary Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Microbial ecology, Geomicrobiology, Microbial Diversity, Water Microbiology, Aeromicrobiology, Cell physiology, Environmental Biotechnology, Ecology, Microbial genetics.
SciFed has started Applied Microbiology journal in the year 2017, with the cooperation of Editorial Board Members and authors. Most of the editorial team from world class universities and institutes like South Dakota State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Waterloo, Institute for Technological Researches, University of California San Francisco. Indian Veterinary Research Institute. Our services is not limited any one region we have our Editorial team from all over the world like USA, Canada, Spain, China, India, Brazil ,Mexico, Turkey, Germany, Iraq. Apart from regular fields we have Editorial team with following research interests Medical Microbiology, Microbial technology, Synthetic Biology of N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria, T cell biology , physiology, Ecology.
Scientific Federation would like to invite all young scholars, scientists, professors, research associates to join their helping hands in this community to serve scientific world in better. SciFed Journal of Applied Microbiology will increase the possibility to find the Characterization and Quality of the product by publishing articles and case reports from all around the world
SciFed Journal of Applied Microbiology encourages genuine, non-plagiarized, original and innovative submissions such as research article, review, mini review, rapid communications, case reports and letter to editors, short communications, image article, videos and graphical presentations.